Cream of the Crop 25
Cream of the Crop 25.iso
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File List
127 lines
HTCMK3.ZIP 3162,339 02-26-97 Heretic: - Htcmk3.Wad
DOOM32.ZIP 3116,197 03-24-97 Doom II - Doom 32
DOOM_AD.ZIP 2737,798 05-26-97 A Ton of Doom Adventures and Addons and
| Levels.. Knock Yourself Out
QUAKE_AD.ZIP 2391,418 05-31-97 A Ton of Quake Adventures and Addons and
| Levels.. Knock Yourself Out
JILTED.ZIP 1549,203 03-23-97 Quake - House of Jilted Boys (Yes, I Like
| Prodigy)
PHANTASM.ZIP 1211,756 03-25-97 Doom 2 : - the Tallman's Domain (V1.0)
| 5-10-95
CARNAGE.ZIP 1139,054 03-25-97 Doom II - Carnage Galore Ver 30
CS_RCS11.ZIP 1094,160 04-15-97 Cs-rcs Manages Document Revisions. Use it to
| Monitor Changes Made by Users in Files That
| Are Accessed on A Standalone or Networkd Pc
| Based on the Widely Used Gnu Rcs, it is Fully
| Integrated With Windows 95/Nt
HW32V25.ZIP 1093,668 03-10-97 Hex Workshop, the Professional Hex Editor
AXXWAR_1.ZIP 951,836 03-20-97 Quake - Axxwars
VORTEX.ZIP 938,997 03-23-97 Quake - Vortex
DRTYHARY.ZIP 936,626 02-26-97 Doom: - Dirty Harry Dies Here
GATORDIV.ZIP 767,204 03-21-97 Quake - Gatorman's Diversion
EPOCH.ZIP 762,146 03-20-97 Quake - the Epoch Turning
JAILBRK.ZIP 757,095 05-17-97 Quake - Jailbreak
C_AND_C.ZIP 720,239 05-26-97 Over 100 C&c Levels and Addons
SHNDRMSM.ZIP 651,488 03-20-97 Quake - Museum
ROSSDOOM.ZIP 634,024 03-23-97 Doom II - Rossdoom.Wad
FIRE.ZIP 590,713 02-26-97 Quake - Fireworld
MEXX7.ZIP 580,249 02-19-97 Quake - A Bishop's Bane (Domina Domino) Info
| S/C/D New . (By Gamesnet) Full Quake Map
MORTAL.ZIP 578,234 03-21-97 Quake - 1.06 (Of Cours: - the Mortal
| Environment
MADHOUSE.ZIP 571,184 03-20-97 Quake - Madhouse
RAPTOR10.ZIP 561,144 03-20-97 Quake - the Quake Raptor
RAPE2.ZIP 537,723 03-25-97 Doom II - Rape II
DSHANGAR.ZIP 511,673 02-26-97 Quake: - Deserted Hangar Info (By Gamesnet) A
| Few Military-style Hangars Connected by
| Hallways. Note: This Was My First Quake
| Level, and I Actually Finished it A While
| Ago, Just Never Released It
QUE_DOOM.ZIP 509,909 03-28-97 Meanz Quality Rules Presentz Another Stunning
| Xm Doom-o-mania Part I
JCFRMZ20.ZIP 508,868 02-26-97 Quake - J.C.F.'s Ratmaz21.Wad Derivative
HEXEN2SC.ZIP 493,659 03-13-97 Hexen 2 Screenshots
EGG_1.ZIP 488,050 03-23-97 Quake - Egg's Quake-c Hack #1
OFFICE.ZIP 483,439 03-20-97 Quake - Over-time
KILLME1.ZIP 481,680 02-26-97 Doom I - Mad As Hell. You Do A Long Distance
| Teleport From Your Troopship As it Continues
| on to A Distress Call. You're Not Looking
| Forward to This As You Want Action
THECIVIC.ZIP 467,345 03-20-97 Quake - Thecivic
WILBURM2.ZIP 453,498 03-20-97 Quake: - Wilbur's Map 1. Info New (By
| Gamesnet) Deathmatch Level Suited for 6-8
| Players, Slime, Funky Doors and Two Exits
WICKED1.ZIP 425,177 03-20-97 Quake - Wicked Quake
WICKED14.ZIP 424,218 03-20-97 Quake - Wicked Quake
DISGRACE.ZIP 422,128 03-20-97 Quake - Base of Disgrace
ISIS.ZIP 402,229 02-19-97 Quake - Isis
BRDGFORT.ZIP 391,025 03-20-97 Quake - Bridge Fortress
DEMONS.ZIP 389,051 02-26-97 Quake - Demons Lair. Info . New . (By
| Gamesnet) Based Slightly on Dm2 I Originally
| Designed it for 1 on 1 Based Deathmatches
| Although it Will Hold Upto 6 Players Quite
| Well
IDCBASE.ZIP 384,869 03-20-97 Quake - Idcbase (V1.0)
VALHALLA.ZIP 360,079 03-23-97 Doom II - Valhalla
DM_A.ZIP 352,661 03-21-97 Quake - the Death Mall
DMHIP.ZIP 352,651 03-20-97 Quake - the Death Mall - Hipnotic
IPRAY4U.ZIP 340,944 03-24-97 Doom II - "I Pray for You"
CMANIA2.ZIP 331,760 03-20-97 Quake - Castlemania II
DWDSEDT.ZIP 325,993 04-06-97 2 Doom Editors and A Few Wad Files
DCDM5.ZIP 323,760 03-20-97 Quake - Dcdm5
CLEAN01A.ZIP 299,263 02-19-97 Quake - Command Center Part 1 of 3
FIRE3.ZIP 287,167 03-20-97 Quake - Registered: - Fireztar3
GUNNER.ZIP 285,608 02-26-97 Quake - Gunner
NONDMS.ZIP 280,520 03-23-97 Doom II - Nonstop Deathmatch Levels ( for
| Doom 2 )
DUKE_BP.ZIP 277,058 04-28-97 Win A Cool Duke Nukem 3d Screensaver for Win
GERMCTY2.ZIP 276,557 02-26-97 Doom II - Germcity (Version 2)
| Singlemulti-player Doom II Pwad. Developed on
| A Macintosh. Tested on A Mac and A Pc. High
| Quality. Large, Complex, and Difficult. Fun
| Too, If You Don't Cheat
KNBOT03.ZIP 269,821 03-20-97 Quake - Karnag Bot
NEWWAD14.ZIP 266,259 02-01-97 Quake - Newwad 14
DARKDUNG.ZIP 261,060 04-11-97 Quake - the Dark Dungeon
ADQUED2.ZIP 258,748 02-01-97 Quake - Adquedit Manual.Txt
808BASE.ZIP 258,691 03-19-97 Quake - Scary's Quakeholio. Source Included
ENTRNITE.ZIP 255,417 03-25-97 Doom II - Enter Night
X_FIRE.ZIP 245,332 05-27-97 Quake - X-fire. Info D New (By Gamesnet)
| Small Sized Deathmatch Quake Map
TTOT.ZIP 244,218 02-26-97 Quake - the Temple of Torment
SEPTIC.ZIP 230,865 02-26-97 Quake - Septic.Zip
ADQUED1.ZIP 228,698 01-15-97 Quake - Adquedit: the Quake Workstation
DETHCAST.ZIP 219,771 03-23-97 Doom II - Castle of Death
BLUEDETH.ZIP 216,240 02-19-97 Quake - Thebluedeath
UAC_WET.ZIP 211,834 03-26-97 Doom II - the Uac Dam Facility. Info S/C/D
| New -/G/./././M (By Gamesnet) Uac Has Called
| You in to Save Their Collective Ass Once
| Again. Seems Some Troops Stationed at Their
| Rio Hydroelectric Plant Have Gone Berserk
FRAGZ4ME.ZIP 210,050 03-25-97 Doom II - Fragz for Me
C_CSVEGM.ZIP 203,949 05-11-97 C&c Save Game Files and Faq
DOA.ZIP 200,894 02-19-97 Quake - Dead on Arrival
WAR2HUMN.ZIP 183,814 04-14-97 Warcraft 2 Human (Game) Desktop Theme
ZENITH.ZIP 165,220 03-23-97 Hexen: - the Zenith Citadel
LYCHGATE.ZIP 138,830 03-24-97 Hexen: - the Lychgate
RUNTIM1A.ZIP 112,641 04-24-97 Runtime 1.0a for Windows 95/Nt by Popcorn
| Software -descr- Iption: A Desktop Accessory
| Which Sits in the Tray, Providing the User
| With A Pop-up Screen Displaying the
| Computer's Running Time
TREKNUT.ZIP 98,282 03-23-97 Doom II: - Treknut. Info New (By Gamesnet)
CASTLE.ZIP 97,790 03-23-97 Hexen 1.1: - the Dark Castle
VOTPRIP2.ZIP 89,165 04-11-97 Rip 2.2 Graphics for Votp Igm. Rip 2.2 Color
| Corrected Icons for Village of the Phoenix
| Igm. (Lord Igm by Jeremy Stewart) Converted &
| Corrected Icons & Enhanced Rip With Fx Sound
RAMPAGE1.ZIP 68,753 03-24-97 Doom II: - Rampage.Wad. Info New (By
| Gamesnet) This Level is the Best Level I Have
| Every Made or Seen. It Rules in Single Player
| and Deathmatch. It Flows Just Perfectly
DEAD.ZIP 60,683 03-24-97 Hexen: - Dead (Deathmatch for Hexen)
AIRWARS.ZIP 16,948 03-09-97 Air Wars! Warcraft II Addon. A Long Time Ago
| in A. Well You Get the Picture. Can You Build
| an Army of Griphons Ready for Battle Before
| the Enemy Does?